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wcs_util - Wide-Character String Manipulation Functions

These are a collection of wide-character string manipulation functions.

Public Procedures

wcscmp() - compares two wide-character strings.
wcsncmp() - compares two wide-character strings for a specified length.
wcscpy() - copies a NUL-terminated wide-character string.
wcsncpy() - copies a wide-character string of a specified length.
wcsdup() - duplicates a NUL-terminated wide-character string.
wcsndup() - duplicates a wide-character string of a specified length.
wcslen() - determines the length of a NUL-terminated wide-character string.
wcsnlen() - determines the length of a fixed-size wide-character string.
mbstowcs() - converts a multi-byte string to a wide-character string.
wcstombs() - converts a wide-character string to a multi-byte string.
wcsNarrow() - converts a wide-character string to a string.
wcsWiden() - converts a string to a wide-character string.

Source Files


(See libgpl for the complete source, including support routines and build files.)

Alex Measday  /  E-mail